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Word Recognition - Science of Reading

Word Recognition  - Science of Reading
Science of Reading and Writing: A Four Part Series
The Science of Reading is a large, interdisciplinary body of scientifically-based research about reading, which has been conducted over the past five decades. Using this research, we can learn how proficient reading and writing develops, why some students struggle, and how we can provide the most effective instruction to support all learners. In this series we will explore what effective research-based instruction looks like in the middle and senior classes.
(Please register separately for each event)
Part 1. 
Science of Reading in the Middle and Senior Classes: Word Recognition
We begin our journey by exploring what the science of reading tells us about how reading is processed in the brain, in addition to considering models of reading. In this session we will look at decoding and fluency instruction in the middle and senior classes. Practical guidance will be given for whole class and differentiated instruction for struggling readers.
Dr Treasa Bowe is a primary school teacher from Cork with over 23 years teaching experience, both in Ireland and Los Angeles, California . Across her career, Treasa has had keen and special interest in the area of literacy with her Masters research centred on Comprehension Strategy Instruction (CSI). Treasa was a member of the team that developed the highly regarded comprehension programme Building Bridges of Understanding (Mary Immaculate College, 2009). Treasa’s PhD research focused on the role of on-site continuing professional developing in promoting a whole school approach to CSI. More recently Treasa has become better known to educators on both sides of the Atlantic Instagram as @betweenthecoversofagoodbook , where she shares her extensive knowledge about literacy, and picture books on a daily basis.

Course Properties

Course date 09-09-2024 7:00 pm
End Date 09-09-2024 8:00 pm
Fee Free
Speaker Dr Treasa Bowe
Select Hours 1
Location Online
