(IEPs) Individualised Planning for Post Primary Level

Rose-Marie Flanagan will give an overview of the
- Rationale for using IEPs.
- Process of devising an IEP.
- Devising targets and strategies to meet the students’ needs will be explained.
Suitable for Mainstream and Special Education Teachers at Post-Primary level.
Rose-Marie Flanagan is an administrative Principal at St. Anne’s School, Ennis, Co. Clare. She worked as a SENCO, special class teacher and mainstream class teacher at St. Joseph’s Secondary School, Tulla, Co. Clare. Rose-Marie also completed a five-year secondment as an Advisor with the NCSE and currently works as an Associate with the NCSE. She designs and delivers seminars in SEN at third level also. She has a graduate Diploma in SEN and a Masters of Education in the area of Special Education, both awarded from Mary Immaculate College. Her current interests are Inclusion Policy and Practice, Social and Emotional learning, Positive Behaviour Support and Assistive Technology.
Course Properties
Course date | 21-10-2024 7:00 pm |
End Date | 21-10-2024 8:00 pm |
Fee | Free |
Speaker | Rose Marie Flanagan |
Select Hours | 1 |
Location | Online |