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Teachers as Leaders

Teachers as Leaders
  • What does teacher leadership mean?
  • How can I take leadership to improve learning?
  • What are the skills of leadership?
This session will be informed by current literature on teacher leadership e.g.  Meredith, E. (2007) Leadership Strategies for Teachers. Harris, 2019. Various theses on the CSL website
According to Helterbran (2010), teachers must reject the “just a teacher” mantra (p. 363).
‘The leadership and management dimension is therefore intended to assist all teachers in gaining a perspective on their own leadership roles in the school and how they can develop and expand their leadership skills over time’ (DES 2016a, p.6).

Course Properties

Course date 29-08-2024 7:00 pm
End Date 29-08-2024 8:00 pm
Fee Free
Speaker Maria Caesar M.Ed, B.Ed
Select Hours 1
Location Online
