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The Dyslexias: Origins and Interventions

The Dyslexias: Origins and Interventions

Dr Pauline Cogan will introduce the four different kinds of dyslexia and their origins. This will be accompanied by discussion on the importance of language, working memory and long term memory.  If time permits there will be a specific focus on Phonological Dyslexia which is the most commonly occurring type. 

Pauline will focus on the interventions for Phonological Dyslexia, the other types of dyslexia, Rapid Automatised Naming, Magno-Cellular and Cerebellar Dyslexia will be discussed with their interventions. 

Dr. Pauline Cogan

Dr. Pauline Cogan is an honorary member of the Board of Dyslexia International Tools & Technologies which is a portal to UNESCO. She is on the National Executive Committee of the Irish Learning Support Association (ILSA) and is the Editor of LEARN – the peer reviewed journal of that body. She is also a Chartered Psychologist of the Psychological Society of Ireland.

Course Properties

Course date 14-01-2025 7:30 pm
End Date 14-01-2025 8:30 pm
Fee Free
Speaker Dr Pauline Cogan
Select Hours 2.5
Location Online
